Our Story

The story of Blend Plants began in 1983 with the first volumetric machine featuring a swinging mixer. A few years later, a horizontal mixer was introduced, and in 2007, the first mobile mixing plant with decremental dosing was created—an innovation that completely revolutionized concrete production, offering greater precision and reducing material waste.

In 2010, Blend expanded its product line with the A200 plant, later improved and known today as the A240. In 2015, a pumping machine was developed, along with a custom mobile plant designed for London Underground: a tailor-made plant engineered to operate on rail tracks in tunnels during the refurbishment of a London Underground line. This was a major achievement for Blend and a significant growth opportunity.

In 2018, Blend took part in another important international project, supplying six concrete agitators transported by train cars for the construction of the Monte Ceneri tunnel in Switzerland. The MX08 agitators were specially designed by Blend for GCF.

In subsequent years, Blend Plants expanded its range of products by developing new solutions for concrete in response to the evolving needs of the construction industry. This led to the creation of the C019 and C022 containers, the Easyfloor pumping machine, and the 4×4 mixing plants E025 and E015.

Today, Blend Plants is an international company headquartered in Italy but operating with a truly global perspective. This is reflected in its network of local distributors and the customization of every plant to meet specific customer needs and applications.

What sets us apart is our history. Made of successes.


We have been producing mobile concrete plants since 1983

  • 1983

    Macchina Volumetrica E Miscelatore Brandeggiante

    Macchina volumetrica e Miscelatore brandeggiante.

  • 1995

    Macchina Volumetrica e Miscelatore Orizzontale

    Introduzione Macchina volumetrica e Miscelatore orizzontale.

  • 2003

    Macchina Volumetrica

    Macchina volumetrica, Miscelatore orizzontale, Dosatore cemento stellare.

  • 2004

    Macchina con Pesatura Cemento a Coclea

    Macchina con pesatura cemento a coclea, Miscelatore orizzontale.

  • 2007

    Primo Impianto Mobile non Volumetrico

    Pesatura del cemento per decremento, maggiore precisione di dosaggio.

  • Maggiore Capacità di Portata

    Nuovi impianti con maggiore capacità di portata.

  • 2010

    Blend A200

    Nuovo impianto versatile e flessibile dalle elevate capacità produttive.

  • 2011

    Produzione temporanea in Argentina

    Produzione temporanea in Argentina.

  • 2013

    Macchina ad Alta Precisione di Dosaggio

    Innovativi sensori per il controllo dei materiali, produzione di calcestruzzi ad alte prestazioni.

  • 2015

    Sistemi Pompanti-Impianti Speciali-London Underground

    Sistemi pompanti, Impianti speciali, London Underground.

  • 2016

    Silos Orizzontali e Betonblock

    Silos Orizzontali per calcestruzzo e casseforme Betonblock.

  • 2017

    MX08 Agitatore di Calcestruzzo

    MX08 Agitatore di Calcestruzzo.

  • 2018

    Blend C019 e A240

    Cassone a Nastro C019 e Impianto mobile per grandi produzioni A240.

  • 2029

    E025 4×4 e Cifa Easyfloor By Blend

    Impianto mobile E025 4×4, Macchina di pompaggio.

  • 2020

    Blend E015-A240.2-A240.4

    Impianto mobile E015 anche 4×4, A240 con 2 o 4 inerti.

  • C022- Seventy.2 - MyBlend

    Blend C022 – Seventy.2 – Sistema MyBlend

    Cassone a nastro C022, Seventy.2 con mescolatore a doppio albero, sistema MyBlend di monitoraggio macchina.

  • Blend A240.5

    Blend A240.5

    Il modello A240 viene implementato con 5 tramogge inerti.

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Innovation for the Construction Industry

For years, Blend Plants has been developing innovative solutions for the construction industry, specializing in the design and production of automated plants for concrete, cold asphalt, and other cementitious mixtures.

The quality and efficiency of its technologies address the demands of an ever-evolving industry.

An Italian Company with a Global Vision

Although based in Italy, Blend Plants is distinguished by its global approach.
Through a network of local distributors and highly customized solutions, the company meets the unique needs of each customer worldwide.

Every plant is tailor-made to suit various markets and applications.

Blend visione globale
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Exports to Over 80 Countries

With a solid presence in over 80 countries, Blend Plants has established itself as a global leader in the construction industry.

Its ability to think globally and act locally allows the company to provide solutions that meet both global challenges and local market specifics.

Quality is the result of outstanding teamwork

Blend’s mixing plants are the product of a dedicated team that, with empathy and passion, develops cutting-edge solutions.

From design to the manufacturing of every single component, and through testing and installation, all Blend mobile plants are made in Italy and exported worldwide.